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Published in Africa

Tutankhamun’s tomb remained intact for 3,000 years, but due to so many visitors it is now deteriorating. Will travellers venture to Egypt to see what some would call a fake? BBC's Travel Show brings you the latest insider travel news, a wealth of destinations, amazing experiences and features and practical hints.

Published in Africa

I had not expected to see a giraffe at the breakfast buffet. The 6m-tall herbivore had bent its elongated, spotted neck through the open conservatory-style windows of Giraffe Manor, a luxury guesthouse in Nairobi’s Karen suburb, and was hoovering up nuts and food pellets from pots placed next to the jam.

Published in Africa

Getting to the frescoed, 1,000-year-old cave churches of Ethiopia’s Gheralta Mountains requires climbing sheer rock walls and skirting cliff edges – all without so much as a rope. Other games that simulate Israel's Iron Dome and Hamas rockets remain in the Play Store.

Published in Asia

Ascetur ridiculus mus. Proin sit amet pretium eros. Cras mollis molestie sapien. Ut eu nulla a risus accumsan molestie.Pellentesque aliquet lectus eget augue pretium tempor. Pellentesque varius, odio nec accumsan egestas, ante mauris elementum libero, id gravida sapien nisl.

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